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St Philips Primary

Our Houses

Houses at St Philip’s


In July 2018, Mrs Davis and Miss Edwards met with the school council, and the members were tasked with the job of collecting categories for the houses from their class mates.

We then held a series of votes to narrow down a wide variety of choices. Eventually, a decision was made upon the final two categories based around famous people of significance. Together the school council decided upon two choices – ‘people of science and medicine’ and ‘inspirational people’. They used their knowledge and understanding of a variety of topics, to choose the people who would represent each of the categories. Then they presented their choices, along with detailed information about the lives of each person, to the whole school, in order to allow them to make an informed choice. A ballot was then held for children and staff in the school.

The names chosen were Rosa Parks, Florence Nightingale, Stephen Hawking and
Leonardo da Vinci.

As a result, a firm winner was chosen, with a majority vote of 183 to 102, ‘inspirational people’ was the favourite. The names chosen were Rosa Parks, Florence Nightingale, Stephen Hawking and Leonardo da Vinci. They are an excellent mixture of people of gender, race and differing achievements from a cross section of people across history, and the children were extremely happy with the winning choice when it was revealed.

Mrs Davis has worked hard to assign the children into houses, creating a balance of classes, year groups and families across the four teams. Any siblings joining the school will automatically be assigned to the same house.

If for some reason any siblings have been assigned to different houses, then please inform the school office and they will let Mrs Henderson know.